Who says I cannot touch Him?
As the gentle breeze caresses me and the sun wakes up
As the roaring wave breaks down and swirls around my feet
As the soft petals of the lotus brushes my fingers
He touches me, and I touch Him.
Writer | Blogger | Entrepreneur
Who says I cannot touch Him?
As the gentle breeze caresses me and the sun wakes up
As the roaring wave breaks down and swirls around my feet
As the soft petals of the lotus brushes my fingers
He touches me, and I touch Him.
From January 14th through the 19th, our family went on a pilgrimage to three divine places – Dwaraka, Somnath and Porbhander. The following image is that of Sree Krishna in Balka Mandir. Behind Him is the tree (still preserved, they say) under which He was sitting when Jara the hunter mistook His toe for the beak of a bird and shot Him. This incident was supposed to have happened on 18th February, 3012 BCE.
Instead of falling into despair,
Why not fall at His Lotus Feet?
Instead of sinking into oblivion,
Why not sink into the Bhagavad Geet?
I do not apologize for this “naive” poem I wrote in 1996……came across this when I was cleaning my desk at work. Nothing thrills (or embarrasses) me more than coming across an old piece of writing! This comes across as so cliched and trite (“merry brook”?), but I am still smiling after reading it half an hour ago….
Of books and blurbs
Reading a book is like no other,
Even space travel goes no further
I explore within a single page
The entire earth, Man’s bonded cage.
Books are my passion. My addiction.
A never-ending world of fascination.
I was in Pandhripur, Maharashtra last weekend. It has been my dearest wish to see Lord Vithala, and that wish came true on August 23, 2013. Mere words cannot describe the emotions and the happiness I felt when I saw the Lord’s form, but I sure am about to try!
The Feet that rules the world. And our hearts.
Can you think of a lord who waits to see His devotee
With patience, charm and with arms akimbo?
Can you describe a lord who runs to His devotee
With a smile on His lips and so willingly?
Can you imagine a lord who listens to His devotee’s whim
And comes speedily to where they sing of Him?
Can you conjure a lord who serves His devotee
Cooks, cleans, washes and even sweeps?
Can you believe a lord who has given His Feet
So that every devotee can touch and feel?
Can you divine a lord who has given His blessings
To all irrespective of caste, creed and belief?
If you can do so, then it is only my Vittala Lord
Only Vittala, only Vittala, Vittala, Vittala
Do I want you as my son, Kanhaiya?
You steal, you tease, you run, you take
You dance, you lie, you play, you break.
Do I want you as my brother, Kanha?
You twist, you scheme, you chide, you shame
And use me as a pawn in your game.
Do I want you as my husband, Kishan?
You elope, you flirt, you philander, you chase
With 16,108 wives, I do rest my case
Do I want you as my friend, Keshav?
You advice, you confuse, you talk, you pontificate
You charm, you smile, and then refuse to elucidate
No, no, no.
Do I want you as my God, Krishna?
You fight, you kill, you disembowel, you destroy
Every problem I face
You give, you fulfill, you offer, you shower
Every dream I chase
You protect, you bless, you love, you cherish
My every night and day
You watch, you adore, you love more and more
With every breath I take.
Yes, yes, yes.
I want you as my God, Krishna.
Who am I, My Beloved Krishna? and other questions we ask when faced with doubt, fear, anxiety, and helplessness….
And what does the Lord reply?
Ma Shucha….Don’t Worry………
Who am I, My Beloved Krishna?
Who am I and why?
A human, a god, a speck of dust,
Or a creature born to die?
You are Mine, My Innocent Sakhi
You are my precious child
With a beautiful body and a divine soul
You carry my seed of life…
Who are you, My Magnificent Krishna?
Who are you, My Lord?
A dream, a belief, a myth
Or the God of all my Gods?
I am your constant companion and guide
In life’s journey of endless miles
Everything that is pure and divine
Is me, myself, and mine
What is the meaning of life, My Merciful Krishna,
What is the meaning of all this?
My life is full of ceaseless worries
With happiness just a fleeting kiss..
Money, power, near and dear, My Bewildered Sakhi,
Everything will vanish like mist
Embrace me into your heart
I’ll fill your life with bliss
How can I grin and bear it, My Splendid Krishna,
How can I watch and just bear it?
When people around me climb the ladder
Of success without merit?
Do your duty, My Dearest Sakhi,
Just do your duty daily
As to the success of your actions
Let me be the judge, the jury.
How can I worship you, My Darling Krishna
How can I worship you?
With my days filled with so much work,
And the hours so few?
With a flower, a leaf, my Confused Sakhi,
Even with a tiny drop of dew
A heartful moment of trusting prayer
Is all I ask of you.
Why do you love me, My Merciful Krishna,
Why do you love me true?
When all I have done is doubt and deny
Your splendid form so blue?
You are a part of me, My Inseparable Sakhi,
An honor that is allowed to few
And that is how you will always be
No matter what you say or do.
When will I see you, My Naughty Krishna,
I want to see you, but how?
My eyes smart with unshed tears
And sadness lines my brow…
I am inside you, My Impatient Sakhi
I am inside, right now..
You can see me in all my splendor when
You open your heart to My Love..
Take me with you, My Compassionate Krishna
Take me with you in a beat
So I can serve you with all my love
Lying at your Lotus Feet,
You are already with Me, My Divine Sakhi,
In your loving heart we meet
Yesterday, today, tomorrow, forever,
I am in your every heartbeat….
Source: His Words in the Bhagavad Gita
Inspiration: A glimpse of Udupi Krishna on December 26th
Dedicated to the Divine Krishna in all of us.