Who says I cannot touch Him?
As the gentle breeze caresses me and the sun wakes up
As the roaring wave breaks down and swirls around my feet
As the soft petals of the lotus brushes my fingers
He touches me, and I touch Him.
Writer | Blogger | Entrepreneur
Who says I cannot touch Him?
As the gentle breeze caresses me and the sun wakes up
As the roaring wave breaks down and swirls around my feet
As the soft petals of the lotus brushes my fingers
He touches me, and I touch Him.
A rose by any other name would smell as sweet. – By Juliet from the play “Romeo and Juliet” by William shakespeare
A rose is a rose is a rose. –From the poem “Sacred Emily” by Gertrude Stein
You may call Him by any name you like, but the Truth is always one and the same. – Swami Ramdas
I was in Pandhripur, Maharashtra last weekend. It has been my dearest wish to see Lord Vithala, and that wish came true on August 23, 2013. Mere words cannot describe the emotions and the happiness I felt when I saw the Lord’s form, but I sure am about to try!
The Feet that rules the world. And our hearts.
Can you think of a lord who waits to see His devotee
With patience, charm and with arms akimbo?
Can you describe a lord who runs to His devotee
With a smile on His lips and so willingly?
Can you imagine a lord who listens to His devotee’s whim
And comes speedily to where they sing of Him?
Can you conjure a lord who serves His devotee
Cooks, cleans, washes and even sweeps?
Can you believe a lord who has given His Feet
So that every devotee can touch and feel?
Can you divine a lord who has given His blessings
To all irrespective of caste, creed and belief?
If you can do so, then it is only my Vittala Lord
Only Vittala, only Vittala, Vittala, Vittala