Do I want you as my son, Kanhaiya?
You steal, you tease, you run, you take
You dance, you lie, you play, you break.
Do I want you as my brother, Kanha?
You twist, you scheme, you chide, you shame
And use me as a pawn in your game.
Do I want you as my husband, Kishan?
You elope, you flirt, you philander, you chase
With 16,108 wives, I do rest my case
Do I want you as my friend, Keshav?
You advice, you confuse, you talk, you pontificate
You charm, you smile, and then refuse to elucidate
No, no, no.
Do I want you as my God, Krishna?
You fight, you kill, you disembowel, you destroy
Every problem I face
You give, you fulfill, you offer, you shower
Every dream I chase
You protect, you bless, you love, you cherish
My every night and day
You watch, you adore, you love more and more
With every breath I take.
Yes, yes, yes.
I want you as my God, Krishna.